Contact Information



You can mail checks to the church using the P.O. Box.

Bible Christian Church, P.O. Box 259, Le Grand CA 95333:


Physical Address:  3782 S. Washington St
                P.O. Box 259
                Le Grand, CA 95333

Pastor John Flanagan:  

Phone: 209-389-0954



Spanish Pastor: Francisco Sagaste:  

Phone: 209-277-3592











Recent Sermons:


You can click on a Sermon to play it. To view all of the Sermons and sort by date, book, speaker, ect... visit the Sermon Page


Concert with Danny Agajanian (Video) - 07/21/19


Christmas Program (Video) - 12/21/14

Israel Trip Presentation (Video) - 10/27/13




Please visit the link above (BCC TV) for the Video Playlist of services recorded and available. Please note that not all services are video taped. Special Services such as holidays are video taped. I will be trying to do more video recordings in the near future.




03-25-2016 - The entire website is being updated and reorganized. The Sermon audio recordings menu has been moved towards the top for faster access.


06-25-2015 - You'll see a new section called "The Literary Lamp". Please check it out.